Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween


Halloween is a weird time....if you don't have kids then Trick-Or-Treating is out of the question and if you are 27 / married, then dressing naughty and heading to the bars is also not appropriate. Did Halloween end it's relationship with me??? I think it broke up with me and I didn't even know it..."it's" probably dating some 18 year old girl who dressed up as a skanky Sesame Street character.

Am I supposed to take a break from my favorite Holiday....where is my place???

I guess I will just dress up my dog for now.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Welcome to the land of Givan!

I am so happy to have you. I hope this blogging experience is the best you have ever had. I promise to take blogging to the next level...I promise entertainment, new words, and millions of pictures of a tan dog.